Monday, April 18, 2011

Pack up your troubles

The past few weeks have just been assorted food experiences, nothing as exciting as a fire, but also things worth sharing. It's just been consistently fun in the kitchen. This is kind of indicative of life lately - just chugging along with ups and downs, but celebrating every little joy. No matter what the weeks hold there are also random day-brighteners and problems solved and things to praise Jesus for. I think this entry will be mostly be cooking anecdotes - not extremely focused on one thing, but surveying the kitchen adventures of the recent times.
Last Monday, I made saffron chicken. I had a little saffron left over from my trip to Turkey a few years ago and thought this would be fun.
Saffron is just pretty. I mean most spices are, really. It is super entertaining watching the color of saffron spread, and always surprising that the color is adds is more yellow than red.
This was the final dish. See how the chicken turned yellow? Quite interesting! And since it is not used often in these parts, I had forgotten its unique taste. I enjoyed it. Served over rice and with naan - nomz.

Then, on Wednesday, Matt cooked for me!! Y'all, he is quite the chef! He made chicken and couscous with onions,  dried apricots, cinnamon, etc as well as yummy little rolls made from scratch with yeast! He claims his palate is not developed, but after a meal like that, I beg to differ! It was quite the treat having him cook for me!
He also surprised me with these beautiful little roses. Soo good to me. :O)

On Thursday, I needed a quick meal - I forget now what it was... perhaps dinner? That's the only one that makes sense. Anyway, we had a can of tomatoes, a can of chickpeas, bread, olive oil. I made a "poor man's bruschetta" by sauteing the chickpeas and tomatoes in olive oil and basil and oregano and put it on toasted bread. Easy, quick, and nomz. Not very classy though.
This weekend was a surprise party for my dear friend Lauren! I asked if there was a cake the day of, nd there was none! Unfortunately, this was short notice, but there cannot be a birthday celebration without some sort of variation on cake! I just did a box cake and used my icing tips to play around, plus this awesome sparkley pink Wilton icing. (This is my last sweet to make until Lent is over! So soon until I get to eat a sweet!) Anyway, I think she liked it.
Last, but not least, was today. I am trying to cut back on the dollars I spend. Indulge myself with ingredients too often. So, in disciplining myself, I actually produced a really satisfying meal! Adventure of today: the grill. My mom taught me how to grill once, but I have never put it into practice without her. Grilled chicken, salad, and bread. Easy, but so satisfying. I made a little marinade with olive oil, minced garlic, and Penzey's Garden Salad and let the chicken breasts sit in it for awhile in the fridge. Then came this:
This was a thoroughly rewarding experience. I was quite excited and felt slightly powerful.
SO GOOD!!! :O) Then I made a big salad - so colorful!
The bread was this. (Not my own beer, might I add.) I did the Garlic and Herb variation - rosemary and thyme are my favorite spices together.
And that, dear friends, is the end of my cooking week. Twas loads of fun.
I won't write again until after Easter and I am so so so excited for it. Seriously. Easter changes everything.

1 comment:

  1. haha I love the end of your post "Seriously. Easter changes everything."
    Also, Liz, we have been apart too long. I know this is fact because to catch up with you I read your blog!
    I am incredibly impressed with Matthew's couscous. And you in general.
    xoxo, B.
