So, with Easter comes the end of Lent, and after not having a sweet for forty days, my taste buds were ready for some sugar! Over Spring Break, my mom got me a cupcake magazine full of recipes and decorating ideas and all sorts of stuff. She knows me so well! The ones that caught my eye the most were these cupcakes made to look like lambs and little chicks! Totes presh. (Sometimes I just have to use abbreviations when thing are so cute! Or adorbs, if you will.) I just used box cake mix for the cupcakes, chocolate for the lambs and yellow for the duckies.
After being iced and covered with coconut (both tinted yellow for the duckies), they were ready to have all the other details added to them! SO fun!
My sweet sister, Julianne, and friends, Randy and Lauren, came to help me. They were so great! I was not very good at documenting the process of the lambs, but first we coated big marshmallows in icing and rolled them in coconut. After freezing those, a few were cut into sixths to be ears with pink icing for added detail. There were hooves and snouts made out of Tootsie Rolls cut into fourths, mini chocolate chips for eyes and I think that is it!!Oh, hello, cute little guy!!
So many cute baby lambs. I was freaking out at how adorable they were. Admittedly, some did look a tad like ewoks, but hey, still precious.
In this whole process, there were a total of four store runs. My mom went first, my dad went second and third, and then my sister, friends, and I went last. Turns out, these need a lot of icing and a lot of coconut!!Then, for the duckies, big marshmallows were coated in yellow tinted icing and yellow tinted coconut, a messy process to be sure! Ritz crackers cut in half were coated with icing and yellow coconut too. With slits cut into the marshmallows, orange Reese's Pieces were slid in for beaks and mini chocolate chips for eyes!
A few of the beaks are falling out in this picture - that is pre-slit cut. But aren't they precious? I think so!
The final product!! They were so so fun and I hope my wonderful helpers enjoyed themselves as much as I did! And the three headed ducky on the top of the cupcake stand was mine and my sisters creation. What to do with extra mallows? A three headed duck of course! That was the one that I ate for my Easter dessert. haha. Welp, I hope these cuties made your day, because I sure had fun making them! I hope Easter celebration and excitement lasts for you year round!
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